Thursday, December 26, 2024

Book Review: My Dream (Iron Fiends MC #6) by Winter Travers


The cameras are rolling again…

The Iron Fiends have one goal: find Russ and put an end to it all. But their plans are thrown off course when a bold new production assistant shows up, determined to film everything.
Their only option? Play along.
Seeking refuge at the clubhouse, Fallon discovers that the Iron Fiends' protection comes with a price—pretending to be Compass’s old flame.
Can Fallon and Compass outsmart the cameras and track down Russ before time runs out? Or has their chance already slipped away?

Amazon: My Dream (Iron Fiends Book 6) - Kindle edition by Travers, Winter, Limon, Shelby. Romance Kindle eBooks @

B&N: My Dream by Winter Travers | eBook | Barnes & Noble®

Kobo: My Dream eBook by Winter Travers - EPUB | Rakuten Kobo United States

Google: My Dream by Winter Travers - Books on Google Play

Bookbub: My Dream (Iron Fiends Book 6) by Winter Travers - BookBub

Goodreads: My Dream (Iron Fiends #6) by Winter Travers | Goodreads

My Review - 5 of 5 stars - 

I did not want to stop reading this story. Fallon felt that Compass did not want her around. When pushed together due to circumstances, their feelings grew. I loved how Compass was quite willing to wait out Fallon until she was ready. He was protective of her, very caring, and willing to hold back from his MC for her. This was a fun read with danger, passion, and support. I can't wait for the next one to see how the backstory continues to play out.

I received a copy through Enticing Journey Book Promotions, and this is my unsolicited review.

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