Friday, August 9, 2024

Blitz: In the Time of Spirits by Beth Ford with an excerpt and a giveaway

In the Time of Spirits

by Beth Ford

Release date
: August 6th, 2024

Genres: Adult, Historical


An epic adventure through the world of the nineteenth-century spiritualist movement.

In 1890, Addy Cohart is determined to defy convention and remain unmarried-until she meets William Fairley, a psychic medium who gives her hope as she grieves the sudden death of her parents. Addy becomes a devotee of the spiritualist movement, but as she takes on a larger role as William’s assistant, she realizes that all may not be as it seems. As the couple moves from New York to London to Paris, Addy is forced to confront the fact that William’s talents may be a ruse, and that he may even be a criminal. She must decide whom to trust and where to place her loyalties. What price is she willing to pay to protect her love and keep her faith?



On the ride home, the carriage seemed to jostle more than usual, as if shifting with the weight of the tension as it was thrown from one side of the vehicle to the other. It bumped off Addy’s scowl, brushed against Ted’s perplexed look, and alighted on Arthur’s steady stare out the window, finding nowhere stable to land.

The uneven ride stopped sooner than expected. A glance out the window showed they were stuck one block down from the Coharts’.

As the passengers waited for a signal of what was wrong, a faint acrid scent weaved through the air. Smoke. Ted banged on the carriage wall to alert the driver, then stuck his head through the tiny floral curtain and out the window. “Oh, God,” he gasped, and pulled himself back inside, dumbstruck.

Arthur was suddenly alert. “Is there a fire?” He, too, looked out, but what he saw drew him out onto the street, leaving the carriage door hanging open behind him as pedestrians darted around it. Addy started to get up. Ted grabbed her arm, but she was able to shake free. Arthur, captivated by the scene, did not notice in the first instant that Addy had run past him. When he did, he raced after her, navigating inelegantly through the gathering crowd, kicking up a swirl of dust in his wake. Halfway down the block he caught up to her, and she fell into his arms screaming as the flames consuming her family’s home lit up the night sky behind her.

Blitz-wide giveaway (INT) ends August 15
  • $25 Amazon gift card

Beth Ford is a historical fiction author living in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. She is the author of the novel In the Times of Spirits and the Cassie Woods, Reporter novella series. Her work has also appeared in a variety of literary journals. 

1 comment:

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