Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Book Review: A Troubled Heart by Tricia McGill



Unsure of his real past or name, Finn O’Connor thinks he was born in Ireland and taken from his mother as a baby by a gypsy woman. As a toddler, an English woman then took him to London. About ten he fled to join a gang of boys who survived by their wits on the streets. Five years later, he was arrested for a minor crime and transported to The Colony of New South Wales for a 10-year term. In 1846 as transporting of criminals neared an end in NSW, he was moved to the infamous penitentiary at Port Arthur in Van Diemen’s Land.

On the day Finn received his papers of freedom an accidental meeting brought him into contact with 20-year-old Esther Blythe. Born in Surrey, England, genteel Esther is kind and caring. As a 4-year-old her parents brought her to Van Diemen’s Land where her Papa, a doctor, took on the task of providing medical aid to the prisoners at the Port Arthur penitentiary and its surrounding area. Sadly, both parents were killed in an accident, leaving Esther with no option but to work as a governess/nursemaid.

For reasons that even she did not comprehend, Esther took ex-convict Finn under her wing when they met outside the penitentiary hospital. Could be she saw a fellow lonely soul who simply wanted someone to have faith in him. Life seems to take a turn for perhaps the better from then on, but will these two lonely people overcome many obstacles to find the happiness they seek together as they face an uncertain future.

Amazon: Amazon.com: A Troubled Heart eBook : McGill, Tricia: Kindle Store

B&N: A Troubled Heart by Tricia McGill | eBook | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)

Kobo: A Troubled Heart eBook by Tricia McGill - EPUB Book | Rakuten Kobo United States

Bookbub: A Troubled Heart by Tricia McGill - BookBub

Goodreads: A Troubled Heart by Tricia McGill | Goodreads

My Review - 4 of 5 stars - 

I enjoyed the setting for this story, as I have been to Australia. This was an interesting look into that world at that point in history. Esther was a strong woman, accepting of her circumstances, and had a big and trusting heart. Finn was less sure of himself, his worth, and his future. They fell in love, but it was not strong enough to keep them together, though they did come back to each other and built a better life. I did feel that this was a bit dragged out with quite a bit happening to this couple, individually and together, but I loved the way their world ended on a happier note.

I received a copy through Goddess Fish Promotions, and this is my unsolicited review.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for hosting my book and your review. Tricia


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