Sunday, December 31, 2023

Goodreads Reading Challenge 2023

 Goodreads Challenge results

My goal for 2023 was 200 books. I actually read 257. The following are stats that Goodreads generates.

Total number of pages read - 558,848

Average book length - 217 pages

Average rating - 4.3 (slightly higher than 2022)

First review - Wolf by D. Williams

Last review - Clash of Kings by Faith Gibson

Some of my own stats that I keep track of are below.

Listened to 38 audiobooks

Read 5 paperbacks

Lowest rating 3 1/2 stars (2 books) A Promise Broken and Copper

I have 47 4 1/2 star ratings

I have 70 5 star ratings.

Let's see what happens in 2024.

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Release: Sin (Death Riders MC #6) by Beth D. Carter with an excerpt and a giveaway

Sin Death Riders MC by Beth D. Carter MC Romance Date Published: 07-23-1124 Publisher: Evernight Publishing   Adira ...