Thursday, August 24, 2023

Blitz: Hungry is the Night (The Night Series #1) by Robin Jeffrey with an excerpt and a giveaway

Hungry is the Night

Series: The Night Series, #1

by Robin Jeffrey

Release date: August 22nd, 2023

Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance


The werewolves of the world live in tight knit gangs, or “dens”, for protection from outsiders – and each other. Every major metropolis has one; to belong to a den is to have a family for eternity. However, Grace Holtz, next in line to lead the Seattle den called The Nameless, has had enough of living under the crushing weight of her den’s expectations. Having fled to a small, rural town in southeast Oregon, her goal is to blend in and be as “normal” as possible for the rest of her unnaturally long life.

But Marcus Bowen, a wolf from the UK-based Feóndulf den (and the closest thing Grace has ever had to a lover), has other plans. Reappearing thirty years after their affair came to an abrupt and bloody end, Marcus needs Grace. He needs her to return to Seattle and arrange an audience with Mama, the current leader of The Nameless and Grace’s estranged grandmother. The leader of the Feóndulf and his heir have both been brutally murdered, and Marcus suspects that Grace and Mama are next.

Teaming up to hunt for the killer in the Emerald City, the pair slowly begin to realize their romance may not be as dead as they thought. However, as it becomes clear that the person they’re looking for holds secrets about both their dens, Marcus and Grace must grapple with competing loyalties, conflicting desires, and ultimately decide what matters more: their dens or each other.



I watched as Grace bit into a slice of rare steak with ravenous abandon, strands of filthy brown hair falling into her diamond-shaped face. She rolled her shoulders back as she chewed, her eyes flickering shut. Sweat shone on the exposed plane of her chest, the thin gray hoodie she wore doing little to hide the fact that she was naked beneath it. Leaning against the back of the vinyl booth, knife and fork gripped tight in her hands, she breathed deep through her nose, face held up to the sky as she swallowed. 
Thirty years, and she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. As I slid into the booth across the table from her, it took everything I had to keep a tremor out of my voice as I queried, “Rough night?” 
Grace’s hands seized around her utensils. Her eyes shot open, but she didn’t look over at me right away. Her surprise surprised me—she should have smelled me from a mile away. She was slipping, getting sloppy. 
Smacking her lips, she answered, “I suppose you could say that.” 
When I didn’t respond, she tipped her head back down to look at me at last. Her gaze was cold, revealing nothing of what she might have felt. “Been a long time, Marcus. What are you doing here?” 
I smiled at her, my left hand fiddling with the thin gold chain wrapped around my right wrist. “Looking for you, of course.” 
Grace slid farther down in her seat, baggy sweatpants slipping up her hips. Her gaze roamed over me unchecked, every place it passed breaking out in goosebumps. “You found me.” 
I clasped my hands together on top of the table, examining her in kind. I swallowed hard, trying and failing to muster up a smile. “You look good.” 
Grace blinked. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Shaking her head, she pulled her gaze away from me and focused on her plate, cutting off another hunk of steak. “You look exactly the same.” 
I was silent as she lifted the bite to her mouth. The sounds of the five a.m. weekday Waffle House washed over us…the scratching of cheap silverware against cheaper ceramic and the clatter of cup against counter, the old trucker at the bar, red cap perched back on his forehead, slurping his fifth cup of coffee as he worked through his third plate of pancakes, the muted murmuring of a pregnant woman and her partner, seated in a faraway corner, splitting an order of chili fries, the shuffling of two waitstaff workers and the short order cook, bored out of their minds, but too tired to gossip. 
“How’s the job?” I asked at last, desperate to try to carry on a normal conversation, as if nothing had happened, as if the intervening thirty years were so much smoke between us. 
Grace glared at me as she chewed. “The job is fine,” she said around her mouthful of meat. She took a large gulp of milk, tangled hair falling away from her face. “Did you really come all this way to chit-chat with me, Marcus?” 
The blood drained from my face. My smile faded. “You can’t fathom for a moment that maybe I missed you?”

Blitz-wide giveaway (INT) ends August 31
  • $25 Amazon gift card

When Robin Jeffrey isn’t checking out books to students at the academic library where she works, she can be found cranking out punchy flash fiction, lyrical essays, and world-rich romances. Her writing has been published in magazines across the country and around the world. She currently calls the Pacific Northwest of the United States home, where she lives happily with her husband and their out of control comic book collection. She currently resides in the rainy Pacific Northwest. More of her work can be found on her website,

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