Sunday, April 16, 2023

Book Review: Jack the Runaway Terrier by Gill McLean


Small dog . . . Big adventure

“When the wind blows and the door opens wide,
He seizes the moment and scampers outside.”

A tale of adventure, love, and redemption about a mischievous dog who bites off more than he can chew.

Amazon: Jack the Runaway Terrier - Kindle edition by McLean, Gill, McLean, Gill. Children Kindle eBooks @

B&N: Jack the Runaway Terrier by Gill McLean | eBook (NOOK Kids) | Barnes & Noble® (

Kobo: Jack the Runaway Terrier eBook by Gill McLean - EPUB | Rakuten Kobo United States

Bookbub: Jack the Runaway Terrier by Gill McLean - BookBub

Goodreads: Jack the Runaway Terrier by Gill McLean | Goodreads

My Review - 5 of 5 stars - 

This was a wonderful story. Jack wanted to see more of the world. When he got what he wanted, he wanted to return home. The illustrations were very beautiful and captured the spirit of Jack.

I received a copy of this story through Netgalley, and this is my unsolicited review.

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