Friday, March 3, 2023

Blitz: Exceptionally Unconventional by Victoria Clarke with an excerpt and a giveaway

Exceptionally Unconventional

by Victoria Clarke

Release date
: February 27th, 2023

Genres: Adult, Historical, Historical Romance, Romance


The Honorable Miss Lucilla Iverson is an exceptionally unconventional young heiress trying her best to be unexceptionally conventional despite her love of horses and racing curricles. When she attracts the attention of a hardened older bachelor, a duke, no less, it sets the ton afire with anticipation.

Many young bucks seek her approval, including a notorious (and now penniless) gamester who intends to marry Miss Iverson and her money whether or not she agrees. On an inside track for Lucilla’s attention is Oliver, Lord Hartwell, despite a near miss at running her over while driving his phaeton in the company of his cousin, the handsome and mysterious duke. Which of the three will win her heart and hand, to live happily ever after? That is the question!



Attracting attention now would only serve to damage her own reputation, and the chances of a masked man slipping into the crowd with no one the wiser was a chance she was unwilling to take. They were in a darkened area of the garden, which was no doubt intentional on the part of her captor. Unfortunately for him, the surroundings also suited Lucilla in this particular moment.
London knew her to be an intelligent, aristocratic, pretty-behaved young girl with extraordinary horsemanship and feminine accomplishments in droves. What they did not know was that growing up in the company of three elder brother figures had provided her with an education that did not come naturally to other young ladies of her class, and it was that education she now called upon to save her the indignity of abduction and social ruin.
Her struggling abruptly ceased. Her unencumbered right hand formed a dainty fist. And her dainty fist connected neatly with her kidnapper’s unsuspecting nose. There was a surprising amount of force behind the thrust, and it was so precisely aimed that blood was drawn, and she found herself immediately released.
But the untamed and unladylike streak she was usually at such pains to conceal from society was suddenly loosened. Instead of escaping while the opportunity presented itself, she made a fist with her left hand as well and swung at the masked man again. So concerned was he with keeping his mask in place that he was unable to deflect the second blow, which landed squarely in the vicinity of his right eye.

Blitz-wide giveaway (INT) ends March 9
  • $15 Amazon gift card

I am an Australian writer, traveller, and horse rider. I am a lover of all things England and history - with a healthy side of sci-fi and fantasy.

My debut novel 'Exceptionally Unconventional' was written during 2020-21 while my late mother was fighting her final battle with breast cancer. I wrote it in a largely light-hearted way in an effort to keep her spirits up during that time - several of the characters were parodied versions of her acquaintances, so I was very happy to have succeeded in that particular endeavour!

She never got to see it published, but just a few weeks after she passed away, I was offered a contract on it from one of the first publishers I submitted it to. You'll notice the dedication I chose when it finally came time to write one. 

I am currently working on my second manuscript.

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