Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Review Tour: Side Launch by Brock Martin with an excerpt, a giveaway and my review


by Brock Martin

GENRE:  Historical Fiction


1939, Canada unprepared but defiant, declares war on Germany and mass produces a mid-size warship, the Corvette. Thus starts the creation and journey of Canada's first Corvette, the HMCS Collingwood. Neither designed nor equipped for the North Atlantic, Collingwood is tasked to protect convoys and take on the predatory Sea Wolves lurking below the waves.

Heart breaking wartime romance as Ian and Kate struggle with love in difficult times. Our hero Ian, takes command of the Collingwood. He is ready to fight with any weapon he is given having witnessed Nazi atrocities and now driven by hatred. Kate is the daughter of the Collingwood shipyards owner, a brilliant woman with a strong desire to make something of herself. She is ready to fight for her country, but first she must fight for success in a male dominated world.

Action packed historical fiction based on true events of WWII and the Battle of the Atlantic. Murderous Wolf Packs, German Commandos, a nail-biting secret mission, spies and saboteurs. Side Launch takes the reader through a roller coaster of emotion.

If you are a fan of history and love to learn, this Canadian historical fiction is for you.


There was a collective sigh as the Collingwood entered St. John’s port, even the ship relaxed with calm waters. The crew knew there was work to do but the pressure of performance was eased. The stress of the war was left outside the harbour or that’s how it felt. The HMCS Collingwood arrived at night and the entrance was as the Chief had explained. The access to the harbor was intimidating, much like trying to go through a hole in the wall. They had to navigate a narrow passage between rock walls, until they could relax at the opening of the bay. It was easy to imagine pirates entering the port hundreds of years ago.

The relaxed atmosphere didn’t last long. The next day in the officers’ wardroom Ian could hear what he imagined was the beginning of a fierce argument. Ian was focused on writing a letter to his father so he kept his head down and tried his best to stay out of it. The wardroom was a lively place and arguments and banter could, and often did, break out over any topic. Ian was reluctant to pull rank in this setting, and preferred to let it ride. This was the place where his officers should be able to feel free to express any concerns. He liked and respected all his officers and most of the time any conflict was good-spirited and he felt confident they could work it out. It was most often Davies who would stir the pot. He had a gift of pulling the right levers, getting Kendrick and Plasket going. At times, Ian found it entertaining and the banter reminded him of his college days with Robert and the many useless arguments they would have for the sake of arguing.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Brock Martin, a retired captain, served ten years as a Canadian Forces Search & Rescue pilot before his current role. The Canadian Forces gave him the opportunity to travel many areas of Canada and gain an immense appreciation of his country. He has been involved in operations across Canada, including the high arctic.

His free-spirited upbringing in the wilds of Northern Ontario gave him a love of the outdoors and adventure.

Brock is fascinated with historical fiction. He loves to learn of past thrilling adventure through the eyes of fictional characters. He was captivated when he learned the very ships that fought in the Battle of the Atlantic were built in Collingwood.

The Battle of the Atlantic was a massive achievement of Canadian perseverance, dedication and sacrifice of its men and women. Brock wrote this fast-paced, action packed story to honor Canadian heroism.







Chapters Indigo:




The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

My Review - 4 of 5 stars - 

This was interesting, mixing history with romance in the middle of a war. Ian had command of the corvette ship and was determined to win and survive. Kate worried about him and others and did her part from her position. There was plenty of education about the ships, warfare, and more. Family, relationships and loss were portrayed well, an emotional roller coaster. A bit long for my tastes but a good historical fiction read.

Check out these other blogs on this tour:

October 2: The Book Connection
October 9: 
connie's history classroom
October 9: 
The Faerie Review

October 16: Iron Canuck Reviews & More

October 16: The Avid Reader

October 23: Guatemala Paula Loves to Read

October 23: Country Mamas With Kids

1 comment:

Review Tour: Side Launch by Brock Martin with an excerpt, a giveaway and my review

SIDE LAUNCH by Brock Martin GENRE :  Historical Fiction BLURB : 1939, Canada unprepared but defiant, declares war on Germany and mass produc...