Thursday, August 22, 2024

17th Anniversary Bash - Long and Short Reviews with a giveaway


Like books? No matter the genre, we have a great place for you to find your next favorite read!

Long and Short Reviews is celebrating their 17th (wow!) anniversary, but you get the gifts. They're featuring more than 50 books in all genres from romance to science fiction, young adult to poetry... no matter your reading preferences, you can find something to enjoy!

What could possibly be better than that? 

How about a chance to win one of two $100 Amazon GCs, of course! Think of how many books you could buy... 

Once you're arrived at the Long and Short Reviews site, simply read through the book posts each day and answer a simple question (or follow authors on their social media accounts) and you're entered to win. New chances to enter every day! So, go visit and enter and don't forget to tell a friend or two. Good luck!

Contest runs from August 19-23, 2024.

Check out these other blogs helping promote this anniversary:

August 19:

Bookstagram: @AADASILVA11
2 . 
The Book Connection
3 . 
Joanne Guidoccio
4 . 
Gina Rae Mitchell
5 . 
The Key of Love
6 . 
Fabulous and Brunette
7 . 
Read Your Writes Book Reviews
8 . 
Sybrina's Book Blog
9 . 
Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
10 . 
Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess
11 . 
Bayou Book Junkie
12 . 
Edgar's Books
13 . 
The Reading Addict
14 . 
Where Landsquid Fear to Tread

August 20:

1 . 
2 . 
Author Deb Bailey
3 . 
Kenyan Poet
4 . 
It's Raining Books
5 . 
Welcome to My World of Dreams
6 . 
Sapphyria's Books
7 . 
A Wonderful World of Words
8 . 
The Story Review
9 . 
Literary Gold
10 . 
Christine Young
11 . 
Author C.A.Milson
12 . 
Celticlady's Reviews

August 21:

1 . 
Bizwings Book Blog
2 . 
Guatemala Paula Loves to Read
3 . 
Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
4 . 
So Many Books
5 . 
Straight From the Library
6 . 
Books in the Hall
7 . 
White Sky Project
8 . 
Introvert Booklover
9 . 
Hope. Dreams. Life... Love

August 22:

1 . 
The Faerie Review
2 . 
Iron Canuck Reviews & More
3 . 
The Avid Reader
4 . 
Sea's Nod
5 . 
Eye-Rolling Demigod's Book Blog
6 . 
Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting
7 . 
Wendi Zwaduk - Romance to Make Your Heart Race
8 . 
Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin'
9 . 
The Pen and Muse Book Reviews
10 . 
Fabulous and Brunette

August 23:

1 . 
Sandra's Book Club
2 . 
Dawn's Reading Nook
3 . 
Boys' Mom Reads!
4 . 
Country Mamas With Kids
5 . 
Books, Ramblings, and Tea
6 . 
travel the ages
7 . 
Beyond Romance
8 . 
Westveil Publishing
9 . 
Romance Novel Giveaways

1 comment:

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