Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Blitz: One Take Jake: Last Call by Jay Lang with an excerpt and a giveaway


by Jay Lang

GENRE:  Mystery


Avenging the death of his sister, Lance, a once successful musician turned vigilante killer, has never denied his guilt…but knows now he could've handled things differently.

With dwindling hope after two years in the joint – and three life sentences ahead of him – Lance seizes his one opportunity for a life out of chains. With the help of loyal friends – straight-laced Reg and ex-druggie Jenny – Lance busts out of prison. He then begins his journey with Jenny to New York, where her street-wise Uncle Dusty will provide a safe hiding place, fake IDs, and a plan to get across the Mexican border.

However, it isn’t long before Jenny’s bad habits resurface, bringing heat on them both. They lose Dusty as an ally after he's tortured by gangsters over money Jenny had supposedly stolen. In a strange country with Feds and gangsters on his tail, Lance is forced to lead the rapidly deteriorating journey south.

Just above the Mexican border, the two are cornered at a motel, their chances of survival slim. Still, Lance has hope. That is, until he learns the awful truth – a truth that leaves him alone in his final, desperate fight for freedom.


The warm Pacific wind rushes over my skin, drying beads of sweat formed in the hot Mexican sun. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since Jenny passed away. 

Darlene and I never did find The Pink Bar in Neuvo Laredo. Maybe it didn’t exist. But it all worked out in the end. I bought a little beach business here in Manzanillo, where I rent surf boards to tourists. Last I heard, Darlene hooked up with a Mexican biker and is probably raising hell somewhere south of the border. 

In the evenings I pull out my guitar, sit by the Pacific, and play under an endless open sky. Life is good now, though sometimes I wake up breathless with my heart pounding from another bad dream, flashbacks of the horror show I went through while on the road with Jenny. 

At times, I think the dreams are payback for the revenge I carried out on my sister’s attackers and the hell ride that followed. Recently, I read a powerful quote that rang true from a famous 17th century writer named Jeremy Taylor. “Revenge is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion.” 

There are moments when I feel my past will find me and, just like that, my freedom will be snatched away. But then, there are other days, when the winds are calm and the sea is peaceful, and I feel safe and untouchable. Hope is the one thing I hang on to. Hope for my future, and hope that somehow Karma will turn a blind eye and let me live out my days as a free man. 

Tomorrow, Reg is coming in from Vancouver, and he’s bringing with him someone very special. Someone I finally got the balls to call. Tessa. 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Jay Lang grew up on the ocean, splitting her time between Read Island and Vancouver Island before moving to Vancouver to work as a TV, film and commercial actress. Eventually she left the industry for a quieter life. She fell in love with creative writing and spends her days hiking and drawing inspiration for her writing from nature.

Amazon Author Page:




Jay Hall will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.

Check out these other blogs on this tour:

May 13: Kenyan Poet

May 13: Author C.A.Milson
May 14: Literary Gold
May 15: Readers Roost
May 16: Sorchia's Universe
May 17: Sandra's Book Club
May 20: Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read

May 20: Long and Short Reviews
May 21: Fabulous and Brunette
May 22: Iron Canuck Reviews & More
May 24: The Avid Reader


  1. We appreciate you featuring ONE TAKE JAKE: LAST CALL today.

  2. The blurb and excerpt sound good.

  3. What's your favorite summer memory from childhood?

  4. I like the cover and think the book looks interesting.

  5. This looks outstanding. Thanks for hosting.


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