Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Cover Reveal and Preorder: Balls to the Walls (Owens Protective Services #15) by Giulia Lagomarsino

Balls To The Walls

Series: Owens Protective Services Book 15

by Giulia Lagomarsino

Release Date: December 25, 2023

Genre: Romantic Suspense/Protector Romance

Cover design: TE Black Designs

Photographer: R Plus M Photo

Model: Tony Brettman

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/195635371-balls-to-the-walls


True love is…taking a wooden stake to the abdomen for the lady you met two days ago.

I was sitting in a cantina smoking a cigar when I first saw her.

Eyes like honey and a body that tempted me to do something so irrational it would have killed any other man.

Lucky for me, my handy dandy weapon of choice was close by.

But she was worth it.

And I found that I was especially fond of her abilities with a corkscrew.

How could it not be love at first sight?

Although, my teammates could have shown just a little more enthusiasm when I showed up.

But no, they were focused on the gaping hole in my side.

Oh, and the little fact that I hadn’t bothered to call.

Still, couldn’t a guy get a hug or even a pat on the shoulder?

Or…hey, is that your wife? She’s totally hot. How about some shawarma?

You know, it’s almost like they didn’t miss me.

PreOrder Links:

Universal: https://mybook.to/BallsToTheWalls

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDM3DX7P

Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CDM3DX7P

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CDM3DX7P

Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CDM3DX7P

In The Series (Kindle Unlimited): 

In the Trenches: An OPS Protector Romance Novel 

Universal: http://getbook.at/OPS-InTheTrenches

Nuclear Option: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: http://getbook.at/OPS-NuclearOption

Charlie Foxtrot: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: http://viewbook.at/OPS-CharFoxtrot

Pop Smoke: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: http://viewbook.at/OPS-PopSmoke

Alpha Mike Foxtrot: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: https://mybook.to/AlphaMikeFoxtrot

Got Your Six: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: http://mybook.to/OPS-GotYourSix

Full Battle Rattle: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: http://mybook.to/OPS-FBRattle

Embrace the Suck: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: https://mybook.to/EmbraceTheSuck

Assume the Position: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: https://mybook.to/AssumeThePosition

Soup Sandwich: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: https://mybook.to/SoupSandwich

Secret Squirrel: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: https://mybook.to/SecretSquirrel

Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: https://mybook.to/SelfLckngIceCreamCone

Pucker Factor: An OPS Protector Romance Novel

Universal: http://mybook.to/PuckerFactor

Blowed Up: An OPS Protector Romance

Universal: https://mybook.to/BlowedUP

Author Bio:

I'm a stay at home mom that loves to read. Some of my favorite titles are Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Horatio Hornblower. I started writing when I was trying to come up with suggestions on ways I could help bring in some extra money. I came up with the idea that I could donate plasma because you could earn an extra $500/month. My husband responded with, "No. Find something else. Write a blog. Write a book." I didn't think I had anything to share on blog that a thousand other mothers hadn't already thought of. I decided to take his challenge seriously and sat down to write my first book, Jack. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed writing. From there, the stories continued to flow and I haven't been able to stop. I hope my readers enjoy my books as much as I enjoy writing them. Between reading, writing, and taking care of three small kids, my days are quite full.

Social Media Links: 

Website: https://giulialagomarsinoauthor.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crazybookladylover/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17110361.Giulia_Lagomarsino

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/crzybookladyluv

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/giulia-lagomarsino

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Giulia-Lagomarsino/e/B0779R1L7C

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/giulialagomarsino2414/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1hJvcaUsEG5wQH_K_QDonQ

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@giulialagomarsino


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