Friday, December 30, 2022

2022 Goodreads Challenge Wrap Up


I challenged myself to read 175 books in 2022. I ended up reading 290 books!! This includes audiobooks, short stories, novellas, and novels. My shortest read was 20 pages, and my longest was 574.

I never review a book if it is under 3 stars. I keep hoping that Goodreads and Amazon will allow for 1/2 stars. I did read several books that I wanted to give 1/2 stars (3 1/2, 4 1/2), but since I cannot, I click the lower of the stars. My average rating for 2022 was 4.2 stars.

Rating is always personal. A five-star review must keep me turning the pages, needing to get to the end to celebrate with everyone. Four-and-a-half stars may have been a bit too long, a bit overly descriptive, or was flat at some point. Four stars means it was a good story, slow or too descriptive in a few spots. Three or three and a half stars are given to those stories that could have been better, but I wanted to complete the story.

I do reviews for Enticing Journey Book Promotions, Elle Woods PR, Goddess Fish Promotions, Yours Truly Promotions, the RBMC group, Book Obsessed Chicks Review Team (a book club I belong to), and of course, for myself. I post my all reviews on the FB page Lazy Day Library Reviews as well as the Iron Canuck Reviews & More blog, FB page, and Twitter. Books I receive through Book Obsessed Chicks are posted to that FB page as well. My main places to review are Bookbub, Amazon, Goodreads, B&N, Kobo, Google, Netgalley, and Audible. Sometimes, I post to Chirp and Booksprout, depending on where I get the books from. 

I belong to a few author street teams and read for them. I do buy books as well. Amazon, B&N, and Audible are my main places to shop. 

In 2023, I will have four reading challenges that I will try to complete. The Goodreads Challenge, What an Animal Challenge, Audiobook Challenge, and Netgalley and Edelweiss Challenge. Join a challenge yourself and see how you do.

Happy New Year and hope to hear from you throughout the year.

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